Bench for installing v13 as a local instance?

Currently the script is untested with v13.

What should I do to install a local instance?

the script works fine . just follow the instructions.

Thank you very much!

If you ware interested to install a docker image I can send you a brand new image for erpnext v13.17.
it’s very easy to install just one command

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Oh yes please.

ok I m doing it now because the latest version just came out yesterday . I will give you a link when the pushing is complete.
in the meantime you can install docker (ubuntu) .

here you go : (docker pull weslatibahaeddine/erpnext_13.17:latest)
this will download a brand new docker image for erpnext 13.17

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BTW, is it possible to upgrade v13.17 in Docker image to newer versions of ERPNext later?

Of course . you can open the erpnext bash using (docker exec -it container_id bash), use the 3 first letters of the container id.
you can use all bench commands including update, migrate, switch-to-branch…