Bench installation Issue

bench --site install-app india_compliance
App erpnext already installed

Installing india_compliance…
Incompatible Frappe Version:
Frappe version 15.27.0 not compatible with India Compliance 16.0.0.dev0
Please switch to version 16 of Frappe to use the current version of India Compliance.

Please check it.

I’ve shared a suggestion:
If you’ve installed Frappe/ERPNext in version 15, make sure the India Compliance is also in version 15 to prevent errors.

If the India Compliance is in the development branch, switch to it:

bench switch-to-branch version-15

If you’ve uninstalled or installed the app, do this:

bench get-app --branch version-15

This is because the india_compliance app has a version 15 branch.

I hope this is clear and helpful.

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