Hi everyone,
On my testsystem I want to install some more apps, but the commands always end with
$: command not found
I tried to install various apps, such as wiki or crm.
The first command works: bench get-app wiki
The second command is not found: bench --site testsite install-app wiki
testsite does exist and is running.
The following apps are already installed and working:
frappe 15.40.2 version-15
erpnext 15.34.1 version-15
hrms 16.0.0-dev develop
payments 0.0.1 develop
erpnext_germany 15.4.1 version-15
education 15.5.0 develop
lms 2.4.0 develop
hospitality 0.0.1 develop
Even the command “bench update” works. I have no clue what the problem is.
There is no entry in the log files.
I wonder what the issue is as some bench commands are executed.
Anyone having an idea what I need to do?
Thanks for your help.