Bench Start doesn't show URL to access app | Watching for changes

Installed ERPNext and setup the development environment which was working well up to few days back, but unfortunately, today when I am trying to start bench it doesn’t show IP-Address:Port to access application URL.

you may notice bench response in below picture is keep showing "Watching for changes..." on execution of command:

bench start.

No IP Address and port appear while running bench.

I have tried following but no luck,

  • Restarted the Server

  • Rebuild and Migrated the site.

  • Cleared cache

  • Tried to access URL by Server IP with my configured port (8000) and but site not found

  • executed the command sudo npx update-browserslist-db@latest

any suggestion will be much appreciated. thank you.

Command: bench use your_sitename and then try again

@parthfadadu thank you for the answer, but unfortunately doesn’t work for me and the bench response is same.

Solution Found!

Actually, I enabled the debugger to debug code in the development environment while the bench was running. This required commenting out the port-number line in the Procfile file, which caused the URL to not be monitored by the bench command. After uncommenting that line, everything is working perfectly now!

furthermore, refer to the line number 4 in the screenshot below.