Bench update error (frappe.exceptions.LinkValidationError)

I am getting following error while executing “bench update”

frappe.exceptions.LinkValidationError: Could not find Default Role at Time of Signup: Guardian

If you can post your traceback, people can help. There isn’t enough info in your question to give accurate answers

This has been resolved. The role called “Guardian” was not their. However, it was set as default role for Portal Settings. That caused the error.

After I have changed this to any available role like Customer, it has been resolved.

Glad it is fixed. Also useful for everyone that you list the steps you performed to fix it so that we can learn from you.


Will you elaborate on steps you have taken to resolve the issue?

Setup > Role > New > Create role called “Guardian” > Save

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After updating to v11 I’m experiencing the same error.

How can you Setup > Role > New > Create role called “Guardian” > Save if the site is unaccessible?

Im thinking of doing this via sql

this fixed on my end

INSERT INTO tabRole (name,role_name) VALUES ("Guardian","Guardian");