Bi-monthly payroll

We pay people every 15 days but the deduction are only deducted once a month. Salary slips can only be made once a month. Also, we deduct cell phone bill overages and loans given to employees from their salaries.

How do you suggest we manage our payroll and ERPNext?

Should we register our bi-monthly payments on a separate excel and then register the total in ERPNext once a month? Should we manage cell phone overages and loans separately?

Can we link the deductions to accounts?


Yes. As of now, you should maintain bi-monthly payment externally. In the Salary Slip, you can add additional deduction head for cell phone overages and loans. You can update employee’s Salary Structure accordingly. Or when manually creating Salary Slip for each employee, enter these deductions.

@sofia We are working with a hybrid of tha tfor the “quincena” or bi-monthly rhythm.

We calculate with excel, and then book an advance payment in a journal entry to an asset account: “Prepaid salaries”. Once the end of the month rolls in, the salary slip is issued, and the Journal entry reflects the entire payment, minus the advance payment, with all deductions registered to accounts. Let me know if this is clear…

However, I do wish to request the ability to pay salary as many times as is necessary through the month. I will set up the issue as a feature request on GitHub this week. should we sponsor it?

Comment here Updates to the Payroll · Issue #6808 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

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