I am trying to setup ERPnext BOM to tea drink bottling process. The process is mixing, cooking and filling, left over tea can be used on the next batch.
- 1 bottle is 1,000ml
- One cook batch size is 100,000 ml
- During cooking, assumed around 10% evaporates, which leave us with 90,000 ml going to filling process
- During filling, some can spill out, and only 87 bottles filled and 1,100 ml left
This is my B.O.M for 1 batch (90 bottles)
- Tea leaf: 1 Kg
- Water: 100,000 ml
- Sugar: 1 Kg
- Tea : 1 ml (updated in manufacture transfer stock entry)
- Bottle: 90
- Scrap item: Tea
I am having issue on calculating rate/cost of scarp item, it use existing rate rather than cost of incoming material.
Pls help…