When you click the “Accounting Ledger” button, it makes GL entries but rolls back the transaction.
Check below code for reference
okey this good
how could i fire method when the gl entry insert and not rollback?
For these types of tasks, there are many solutions depending on the scenario and the way you want to approach them.
- Check whether the request path is different using
for both requests?
- You can set flags (
frappe.flags.gl_preview = true
) and check in your code iffrappe.flags.gl_preview
is true, but for this, you will have to override thestock_controller.py
code or other ERPNext file code.
If you are making changes directly on the server, then you should run the bench restart
command to take effect.
i did it
but no thing effect happend i test it by throw the Test first and its worked with me then i commet it but no thing happend with me
try replacing frappe.db.rollback()
with frappe.db.commit()
this code is framework not mine
You were making changes to the framework code, which is why I suggested you do that. As I already mentioned, you will have to override methods to make changes.
i understand you
but based there code the rollback effect but we did not find the real data that the rollback rollback it
Just for testing, add a commit and check if records are inserted into the database. Don’t forget to run the restart command after making changes.
by the way the reverse entry does not appear in general entry
but still in gl entry and still make gl entry in submit or cancel
this create gl entry
Actually, I am not from an accounting background, so I don’t know what a reverse GL entry is.
Some GL entries (passed via journal vouchers like period close vouchers, provisions and other account closing adjustments) are posted and need to be reversed to remove the impact of those transactions. They are like temporary entries posted to show true and fair accounting status as of the closing report date. However, since these transactions are more estimation-based, they need to be reversed.
i get this error when i bulk more than 19 rows (recordes)
File "apps/frappe/frappe/utils/typing_validations.py", line 31, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
args = (<GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>,)
kwargs = {}
apply_condition = <function whitelist.<locals>.innerfn.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x71dda3dd88b0>
func = <function Document.submit at 0x71dda3dd8820>
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/document.py", line 1060, in submit
return self._submit()
self = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/document.py", line 1043, in _submit
return self.save()
self = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/document.py", line 342, in save
return self._save(*args, **kwargs)
self = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
args = ()
kwargs = {}
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/document.py", line 364, in _save
return self.insert()
self = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
ignore_permissions = None
ignore_version = None
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/document.py", line 312, in insert
self = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
ignore_permissions = None
ignore_links = None
ignore_if_duplicate = False
ignore_mandatory = None
set_name = None
set_child_names = True
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/document.py", line 974, in run_method
out = Document.hook(fn)(self, *args, **kwargs)
self = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
args = ()
kwargs = {}
fn = <function Document.run_method.<locals>.fn at 0x71dda07d4af0>
method = 'after_insert'
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/document.py", line 1334, in composer
return composed(self, method, *args, **kwargs)
self = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
args = ()
kwargs = {}
hooks = [<function after_insert at 0x71dda09dfe20>]
method = 'after_insert'
doc_events = {'*': {'on_update': ['frappe.desk.notifications.clear_doctype_notifications', 'frappe.workflow.doctype.workflow_action.workflow_action.process_workflow_actions', 'frappe.core.doctype.file.utils.attach_files_to_document', 'frappe.automation.doctype.assignment_rule.assignment_rule.apply', 'frappe.automation.doctype.assignment_rule.assignment_rule.update_due_date', 'frappe.core.doctype.user_type.user_type.apply_permissions_for_non_standard_user_type'], 'after_rename': ['frappe.desk.notifications.clear_doctype_notifications'], 'on_cancel': ['frappe.desk.notifications.clear_doctype_notifications', 'frappe.workflow.doctype.workflow_action.workflow_action.process_workflow_actions', 'frappe.automation.doctype.assignment_rule.assignment_rule.apply'], 'on_trash': ['frappe.desk.notifications.clear_doctype_notifications', 'frappe.workflow.doctype.workflow_action.workflow_action.process_workflow_actions'], 'on_update_after_submit': ['frappe.workflow.doctype.workflow_action.workflow_action.process_w...
handler = 'my_app.crud_events.gl_entry.after_insert'
composed = <function Document.hook.<locals>.compose.<locals>.runner at 0x71dda07d6050>
compose = <function Document.hook.<locals>.compose at 0x71dda07d5bd0>
f = <function Document.run_method.<locals>.fn at 0x71dda07d4af0>
File "apps/frappe/frappe/model/document.py", line 1318, in runner
add_to_return_value(self, f(self, method, *args, **kwargs))
self = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
method = 'after_insert'
args = ()
kwargs = {}
f = <function after_insert at 0x71dda09dfe20>
add_to_return_value = <function Document.hook.<locals>.add_to_return_value at 0x71dda07d4dc0>
fn = <function Document.run_method.<locals>.fn at 0x71dda07d4af0>
hooks = (<function after_insert at 0x71dda09dfe20>,)
File "apps/my_app/my_app/crud_events/gl_entry.py", line 114, in after_insert
doc = <GLEntry: 2a31cabadc docstatus=1>
method = 'after_insert'
File "apps/frappe/frappe/__init__.py", line 603, in throw
msg = AttributeError('request')
exc = <class 'frappe.exceptions.ValidationError'>
title = None
is_minimizable = False
wide = False
as_list = False
primary_action = None
File "apps/frappe/frappe/__init__.py", line 568, in msgprint
title = None
as_table = False
as_list = False
indicator = 'red'
alert = False
primary_action = None
is_minimizable = False
wide = False
realtime = False
sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>
_raise_exception = <function msgprint.<locals>._raise_exception at 0x71dda07d6680>
inspect = <module 'inspect' from '/usr/lib/python3.10/inspect.py'>
msg = AttributeError('request')
out = {'message': AttributeError('request'), 'title': 'Message', 'indicator': 'red', 'raise_exception': 1, '__frappe_exc_id': '29d733f4110156e0568001db2d162157cd2f5b3810149ccec4d2226b'}
raise_exception = <class 'frappe.exceptions.ValidationError'>
File "apps/frappe/frappe/__init__.py", line 519, in _raise_exception
raise exc
exc = ValidationError(AttributeError('request'))
inspect = <module 'inspect' from '/usr/lib/python3.10/inspect.py'>
msg = AttributeError('request')
out = {'message': AttributeError('request'), 'title': 'Message', 'indicator': 'red', 'raise_exception': 1, '__frappe_exc_id': '29d733f4110156e0568001db2d162157cd2f5b3810149ccec4d2226b'}
raise_exception = <class 'frappe.exceptions.ValidationError'>
frappe.exceptions.ValidationError: request