[Bug] Custom Script

When i want to make a new custom script, a js error will be throw:

Error code:

Error in Template:
var _p=[],print=function(){_p.push.apply(_p,arguments)};with(obj){
_p.push('<h3>Custom Script Help</h3> <p>Custom Scripts are executed only on the client-side (i.e. in Forms). Here are some examples to get you started</p> <pre><code>  // fetch local_tax_no on selection of customer  // cur_frm.add_fetch(link_field,  source_fieldname,  target_fieldname);  cur_frm.add_fetch('customer',  'local_tax_no',  'local_tax_no');  // additional validation on dates  frappe.ui.form.on('Task',  'validate',  function(frm) {     if (frm.doc.from_date &lt; get_today()) {         msgprint('You can not select past date in From Date');         validated = false;     }  });  // make a field read-only after saving  frappe.ui.form.on('Task',  {     refresh: function(frm) {         // use the __islocal value of doc,  to check if the doc is saved or not         frm.set_df_property('myfield',  'read_only',  frm.doc.__islocal ? 0 : 1);     }  });  // additional permission check frappe.ui.form.on('Task',  {     validate: function(frm) {         if(user=='user1@example.com' &amp;&amp; frm.doc.purpose!='Material Receipt') {             msgprint('You are only allowed Material Receipt');             validated = false;         }     }  });  // calculate sales incentive frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice\',  {     validate: function(frm) {         // calculate incentives for each person on the deal         total_incentive = 0         $.each(frm.doc.sales_team,  function(i,  d) {             // calculate incentive             var incentive_percent = 2;             if(frm.doc.base_grand_total &gt; 400) incentive_percent = 4;             // actual incentive             d.incentives = flt(frm.doc.base_grand_total) * incentive_percent / 100;             total_incentive += flt(d.incentives)         });         frm.doc.total_incentive = total_incentive;     }  })  </code></pre>');}return _p.join('');
Error in Line 4, Col 308:

can anybod reproduce this bug?
If yes, i will make an GitHub Issue


Issue created
