Bug in expense claim

I have a bug in expense claim. Whenever I click on add expense claim button i get a blank page like this:

What shall I do to rectify this?

Hi @PranethaaVinoth,

Which version of hrms? is it develop branch or version 15?

I’ve shared a suggestion:
If you’ve installed Frappe ERPNext in version 15, make sure the hrms is also in version 15 to prevent errors.

If the hrms is in the development branch, switch to it:

bench switch-to-branch version-15 hrms

If you’ve uninstalled or installed the app, do this:

bench get-app --branch version-15 hrms

This is because the hrms app has a version 15 branch.

And we tested in the latest version 15, so we haven’t found the issue.

I hope this is clear and helpful.

What do u mean by development branch? Is development mode and development branch are same?

develop branch means

ERPNext: v14.x.x-develop () (develop)
Frappe Framework: v15.x.x-develop () (develop)
HRMS: v16.x.x-develop () (develop)

Stable branch means

ERPNext: v15.19.0 (version-15)
Frappe Framework: v15.20.0 (version-15)
Frappe HR: v15.16.0 (version-15)

It’s in development branch but I still face this issue

Hi @PranethaaVinoth,

It’s worked properly, we tested it in the latest develop branch. please check it.

This is in my application

Please update it and check it. because we also checked in the latest version 15, so we haven’t found the issue.

Is there any other possible reason for this error apart from version? Because I’m facing this issue only for the past two days before that I was able to create expense claims.

Please check your console log (f12) and check the error. if any client script is added then remove it and check it.