Bug in frappé version 8 "Show / Hide Modules" shows blank page

There is a bug in frappé version 8 when you choose French as the language of the system, you won’t be able to Set Desktop Icons, and if you go to Show / Hide Modules in setup, you get a blank page, but if you change the language to english everything works fine!

Hi @Ilyes,

It is due to the french translation of “For User” in “Pour l’Utilisateur”
The quote needed to be escaped in french since it is a Javascript injection.

I have modified it on translate.erpnext.com. It should be corrected with the next translation update.

If you need it urgently you can create an issue on Github and ask for the translations to be merged as soon as possible.

You can also update your translations locally.

Good luck!

thanks for your reply.
how do i update my translations locally?

One way can be to update the translations on the server directly in frappe/frappe/translations/

The simplest way is to go to setup > translations and add the following translation:

Problem solved!
thanks a lot!