BUG: POS Profile

I’ve noticed a bug within POS Profile.

  1. When selecting a POS Profile it will only show profiles that belong to the Company set in Global Defaults
  2. When selecting a POS Profile it will only show profiles that have a “OFFLINE POS SECTION”. This is only available if within POS setting “Use POS in Offline Mode” is enabled.

Is this something that can be easily fixed?

We’ll add provision to change company in the POS

Can you share some screenshots? Currently provision to change POS Profile is only available for online POS(Use POS in Offline Mode is disabled in POS Settings )

I don’t think you need to add provision to change company in POS. Just make all profiles available.

As for my second comment you can ignore, it turns out I didn’t add the correct user to the user list.


Hi @Nathan

Trust you’re doing great. I think the suggestion by @rohit_w is a good one. It’s important to have the profiles filtered based on Company selection else things can get muddled up pretty fast (especially for retail businesses with lots of POS users)


sure. I was just thinking that only profiles accessible by the logged in user will be visible, so filtering based on company makes it irrelevant. I just wanted to make sure I can select any profiles that I should have access to.
Please let me know when this is fixed.

Thank you