When I want to get items from BOM, there is no place to set the quantity of BOM output. The system assumes, I wanto request materials to produce 1 quantity of the output item, and calculates the BOM accordingly. E.g. - I have a BOM to manufacture 5,00,000 units, and my BOM contains 2 items each 2,50,000 needed to make that output. On creating the Material Request from BOM, system assumes I want to produce 1 item, and hence creates request for 0.5 unit of the 2 items in BOM. I think we need a place to set the target quantity based on which the quantity of material to be requested can be calculated.
1 more issue - The Item required by date is picking up first day of the month, instead of current date or a future one. This happens when material request is created from the BOM.
yes it looks like only when you have sub assemblies, that’s when it actually makes a difference whether you select the exploded bom or not. when you pull from the bom it assumes you want to produce the quantity that is saved in the bom. if you want to produce more you can pull multiple times from the same bom, or create other bom’s for different amounts.
[quote=“Mike_Krol, post:2, topic:11074”]
yes it looks like only when you have sub assemblies, that’s when it actually makes a difference whether you select the exploded bom or not
[/quote]When I have sub assembly, and if I have already manufactured the sub assembly earlier, I just want to transfer it from the stores., In that case, I wouldn’t check 'Fetch Exploded BOM", and I should be able to transfer the sub assembly. But, it never happens because system always exploded the sub assembly into raw materials.
This is not happening. System is not reading the BOM quantity, it is just assuming quantity = 1. I think it needs to be fixed.
@nabinhait@rmehta Could you please look into this? Creating material requests from BOM, without considering the quantity to be produced doesn’t make sense.