Bug: Web Page Builder is broken with new Hotfix - can not open edit dialog

Somehow the github frappe project is restricted from posting issues, therefore here:

Description of the issue

The new commit fix: don't allow attaching a file to a child table in a new document by akhilnarang · Pull Request #30898 · frappe/frappe · GitHub breaks some forms.

Now you can not create Web Page with Sitebuilder (and probably a lot more problems)

Context information (for bug reports)

Frappe Framework: v15.54.0

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Create a frappe instance
  2. Create a Web Page Doc
  3. Add a “Split Section with Image”
  4. Error

Observed result

the form do not opens

Expected result

the form opens

Stacktrace / full error message


Thanks for reporting this issue.
I’ve pushed a fix, a new version will be out shortly

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Thanks :slight_smile:
Do you have any idea when it will be available again to post issues on github? I´ve found another bug and also wrote a fix for it which I would like to make a pull request.

What’s the issue with posting it on github?

As long as you don’t have a new github account, it should allow you to post.

When I try to make a contribution:
“An owner of this repository has limited the ability to open a pull request to users that have contributed to this repository in the past.”

When I try to create an issue, I just get an regular error message but according to console/google search it seems to be the same problem.

I have this github account for some years already, but never contributed to frappe

I guess this restriction is because of the weekend. There were hundreds of spam issues/posts in the repo

Yes, its because of the spam

Do send me your commit link for now - I’ll create the PR for you.

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