#BuildWithHussain Ep.4: Build Full-stack Web App with React & Frappe Framework

In the next episode of #BuildWithHussain, Nikhil Kothari is joining me to build a modern web application from scratch using Frappe Framework and React, live! We are going to build an expense tracker application from front to back.

Live Stream link: #BuildWithHussain Ep. 4: Full-stack Web App with React & Frappe Framework! - YouTube

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Recording Now Available!



How to get the frappe_types for custom fields?

I’m using the below command for getting frappe types but not getting custom fields

bench --site site_name generate-types-for-module

Thank you!

Why do you want to do that?

The types app is meant to be used with your own custom apps (the DocTypes you have in the custom app).

Thank you very much @hussain
I have some customized fields in Frappe and Erpnext docs is it possible to get the types?

I don’t think that is possible as of now, since Custom Fields are stored separately and need to be handled in the types app separately.

Thank you @hussain

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