Bulk insert records


I use bulk_insert to insert many records

def _document_values_generator(self,
	documents: Iterable["Document"],
	columns: list[str],
) -> Generator[tuple[Any], None, None]:
	for doc in documents:
		doc.creation = doc.modified = frappe.utils.get_datetime()
		doc.owner = doc.created_by = doc.modified_by = frappe.session.user
		doc_values = doc.get_valid_dict(
		yield tuple(doc_values.get(col) for col in columns)

def bulk_insert(self,
	doctype: str,
	documents: Iterable["Document"],
	ignore_duplicates: bool = False,
	columns = frappe.get_meta(doctype).get_valid_columns()
	values = self._document_values_generator(documents, columns)
		doctype, columns, values, ignore_duplicates=ignore_duplicates, chunk_size=chunk_size

when i have name field it work but when I dont have name . document without field name or name is assigned with autoname return error:

File "env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pymysql/err.py", line 143, in raise_mysql_exception raise errorclass(errno, errval) pymysql.err.IntegrityError: (1048, "Column 'name' cannot be null")

I know that name is a primary key and will be unique but with insert one record use

 if not doc.name and (meta.autoname or "").lower() != "prompt":
			# name can only be set directly if autoname is prompt
			new_doc.set("name", None)

the whole function to insert one record

 meta = frappe.get_meta(self.doctype)
		new_doc = frappe.new_doc(self.doctype)
	if not doc.name and (meta.autoname or "").lower() != "prompt":
		# name can only be set directly if autoname is prompt
		new_doc.set("name", None)

	new_doc.flags.updater_reference = {
		"doctype": self.data_import.doctype,
		"docname": self.data_import.name,
		"label": _("via Data Import"),

	if meta.is_submittable and self.data_import.submit_after_import:

i optimise the function to use same thing like with one record

def _document_values_generator(self,
	documents: Iterable["Document"],
	columns: list[str],
) -> Generator[tuple[Any], None, None]:
	for doc in documents:
		meta = frappe.get_meta(self.doctype)
		doc.creation = doc.modified = frappe.utils.get_datetime()
		doc.owner = doc.created_by = doc.modified_by = frappe.session.user
		doc_values = doc.get_valid_dict(
		new_doc = frappe.new_doc(self.doctype)
		if not doc.get('name') and (meta.autoname or "").lower() != "prompt":
			new_doc.set("name", None)
		new_doc.flags.updater_reference = {
			"doctype": self.data_import.doctype,
			"docname": self.data_import.name,
			"label": _("via Data Import"),
		yield tuple(new_doc.get(col) for col in columns)
def bulk_insert(self,
	doctype: str,
	documents: Iterable["Document"],
	ignore_duplicates: bool = False,
	columns = frappe.get_meta(doctype).get_valid_columns()
	values = self._document_values_generator(documents, columns)
	meta = frappe.get_meta(self.doctype)
	doc_list = []
	for value in values:
		#doc_values = {col: val for col, val in zip(columns, value)}  # Creating a dictionary for the row
	test = tuple(doc_list)
	first_tuple_data = next(values, None)  # Get the first tuple or None if empty
	if first_tuple_data:
		frappe.throw(f"First tuple data: {first_tuple_data}")
		doctype, columns, doc_list, ignore_duplicates=ignore_duplicates, chunk_size=chunk_size


@ankush any help please

Bulk insert can’t work without name. You have to set the name yourself.

If bulk insert has to set name using Framework’s naming rules then it’s basically sequentially inserted and has little benefit.

Just use a for loop for inserting, it’s usually fine.

I resolve it by

if not doc.get('name')::
   if meta.autoname and meta.autoname.lower() != "prompt":
			# Actions when 'name' is empty and meta.autoname is not "prompt" and meta.autoname exists
			formatted_string = f"{meta.autoname}"
			autoname_format = formatted_string[len("format:"):]
			autoname = f"{autoname_format}"
			# Generate autoname using doc_values
			generated_name = autoname.format(**doc_values)
			new_doc.set("name", generated_name)