Button event to get the record from the list

Hi all,

I know we can add frm.add_custom_button(__(“Do Something”), function() to the form.

But is it possible that when user click on the button on quotation item,
another listing page of one of the custom doctype ( slots ) pop out and user able to filter and select the result. After that, the information such as blk, lvl, no and price will be populated back to quotation item.
e.g the user select 1-1-001 on the listing, quotation item 's BLK, LEVEL and NUMBER will be populated with 1, 1,001 also.

Below is the screenshots,

Check Get Items from functionality on Sales Order form. It will help you.

There is on button Get items from

which pop ups list of quotatition

After selecting one of them items get fetched from respective Quotation to Current Form


@Sangram. thanks.