Button or icon to clear fields

Hallo, on top of a list, e.g. tasks, there are the filter-fields.
If there is a project filtered and i want to see all tasks, i have manually mark the name of the project inside the field with the mouse and delete it.

As in many text fields, on smartphone e.g. , it would be a good solution to have an icon or a button next to this filed to celar it.
Just a small ting, what could make the usage of erpnext much better

Hi @quintact,

Which version of ERPNEXT are you using? (Go to Help > About to find it)

On version 9.2.9, I can see an “x” to the right of a field in the Expense transaction for example:

thanks for your reply - these filters are OK, yes.

But i mean the filter-fields above that in your screen.

If i have filtered (like "Allgemeine Kundenbetr…) in my screenshot) i need to mark it all and then manually delete, to have the field clear and no filter anymore.
That is tricky and difficult.
In all these fields it would be perfect, also to have the “X” for deleting.

Best regards!