Can I buy item without creating Purchase Invoice in advance?
Hi @ahmadmusair,
For that, please create a Stock Entry.
Please check it.
After then checking in item stock.
Thank You!
Thanks @NCP for helping.
What about fund source, how can I choose the source of money that is used to buy the item, where I select a cash or bank account, I don’t see such options in the form.
Do I need to make separate entry, first create stock entry (material receipt) to update stock, then create journal entry to update the account of chart?
If you are getting an invoice/receipt from the supplier - even if you have paid from cash/bank, then try creating a purchase receipt.
That way, you can generate outstanding against that supplier and then make payment entries against it.
Alternatively, if you do not have any supplier, then making a cash purchase using a material receipt will be a good option as @NCP suggested.
Okay, I’ll try it, thanks