#BWH: Learn Frappe Framework by building an Online Merch Store App!

Hello Everyone :wave: !

Hope you all are doing awesome!

For the past couple of weeks, I have been working (live on #BWH) on a merchandise store app built on Frappe. Basically, an e-commerce store for selling hoodies, posters etc. with printrove.com integration for automatic order fulfilment and Razorpay for payments!

The series already has 9 episodes and the finale is tomorrow, where we will wrap it up by writing docs and deploying it to production on our Frappe Cloud instance and also FC Marketplace!

During these episodes, I have used and experimented with a lot of Frappe Framework features and concepts in real world setting, so IMO, awesome learning material for beginner to intermediate Frappe devs!

Catch The Season Finale

Join me tomorrow for Part 10 at 6PM IST

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