Hi all,
I am wondering if there is a way to auto calculate how much time off (vacation) an employee has earned? I am thinking a custom report is the best way to do this, though figured i’d ask the community first.
I am currently doing it in a spreadsheet and can explain the login below:
We give each employee 10 days vacation/year. 10/12=.83 which is how many days they earn per month.
In my spreadsheet i have their name, start date and then a formula to calculate how many days between the start date and todays date =Today() then multiply it by .83 and then another cell to round up in favor to the employee. next to that i can add how many days they have taken so far and get a total for how many days they have left(screenshot below) Column K - End of Time is where I save today’s date to query again
What i’d like to do is remove the spreadsheet and have this calculated in ERPNext. Would a custom report be best to query the Employee/start date, then have it make the same calculation to todays date and save it to their allocated time off?
Any feedback would be great as i’d like to start customizing ERPNext to our needs.
https://github.com/frappe/erpnext/tree/develop/erpnext/hr/report/employee_leave_balance would probably be a good starting point yeah?
Thank you!