Calculating salary based on attendance

hello there
I am having a problem to link the salary calculation with attendance.
I want the salary to be deducted if absent is registered in the monthly attendance sheet.
I am ware that this issue many have talked about and it wasn’t available in the previous version
is this option available now?

Currently in ERPNext, payroll is linked with leaves and not attendance. If you are marking an employee absent then it will not be considered while processing payroll. This feature is under process and probably will be released in v13.



currently you have to create Without Paid Leave to deduct absent dedution

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Do you mean I should make a leave application manually for every day an employee doesn’t attend?

And of course if you mean so I have to do this step for each employee separately?

yes, you have to create Without Paid Leave manual under Leave Application with approved status

Yes, you will have to manually create leave applications (LWP) to calculate the no. of absent days or you can create bulk leave applications at the end of each month (before processing the Payroll) for all employees via Data Import.

Hope this helps!


thanks that was really helpful.
okay another thing if I wanted the deduction of 1 day of absence be multiplied by 2 but without entering 2 days of absence.
maybe with a deduction formula in the salary structure or any other way, is this possible?

Currently, I don’t think you can put a formula for the multiplier. You will have to manually mark them for 2 days.



Thanks alot.