Calendar and task

When creating an event in the calendar under tools. It has a slider to select the time when choosing the date

When creating a task under projects, it does not have a slider, in order to add a time rather than doing it in the new task form, you need to go to task-calendar then switch to day view and click on the time you want. This then populates the date field with the time too in the new task form. However, it then puts all task starting at midnight. Can you add the slider to the new task form in the date field to add a time this way to new task? Just like events does

Also, when you create task and events, they both seem to have their own calendars. It would be useful if they used the same calendar. That way you can use one calendar to keep on track of your schedule rather than one for events and one for task

For now Time is not associated with the task, it is just date.
There is also a github issue for it, we will take it up soon. You can bump it up. :slight_smile:

Hi is there any further progress with this?

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