Call for Spanish developers/community. First meeting on 18th May


Este mensaje está dirigido a todos los usuarios o desarrolladores de Frappe/ERPNext que operen o estén interesados en el mercado español.

Estamos organizando un grupo de trabajo centrado en impulsar la regionalización para España, incluyendo traducciones y adaptaciones legales necesarias: factura electrónica, contabilidad, normas AEB/SEPA, HRMS, etc.

Celebraremos una reunión virtual el próximo día 18 de Mayo, jueves, a las 17.00h (UTC+1) donde contaremos con la presencia y experiencia de Mayank Nahata, European Market Sales Manager de Frappe Technologies. Por favor, inscríbete en este formulario. Sólo necesitamos tu nombre y un correo electrónico para enviarte el enlace de acceso.



Hi everyone!

This message is addressed to all the users or Frappe/ERPNext developers who are currently working on Spanish market or might be interested in exploring that possibility.

We are organizing a workgroup focused on promoting Spanish regionalization of ERPNext, including translations and adaptations to our legal and accounting system, namely, electronic billing, accounting, AEB/SEPA regulation, HRMS, …

First meeting: 2023-05-18T15:00:00Z

If you are interested in joining us and Mayank Nahata, European Market Sales Manager for Frappe Technologies, who will also attend the meeting and contribute with his expertise, please follow the link bellow and fill the form with your name and email in order to send you the invitation to join the meeting.

Thank you and have a nice day!


Muy interesante! :ok_hand:


Is there any link avaliable to join the meeting?

Not yet, but you can fill this form so we can send you the invitation to join the meeting.

Thank you for your interest!

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