Can I move this menu bar item to the navigation bar?

Can I move this menu bar item to the navigation bar?

Hi @tzg19880816,

Please try it and set it your according to the scenario.

frappe.listview_settings['Item'] = {
    onload: function(listview) {'Toggle Sidebar', function() {
        });'Customize ⌘+J', function() {
			if (!listview.meta) return;
			if (listview.meta.custom) {
				frappe.set_route("form", "doctype",;
			} else if (!listview.meta.custom) {
				frappe.set_route("form", "customize-form", {


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Thank you. Can you tell me where to post the above code?

Please go to the client script doctype and set it.

Thank you, I tried it, it works,
Can the actions here also be moved to the navigation bar?

I think, not because when checked_row then it will appear but I’m not sure but try it your way.

I tried your code above, but the option under action really doesn’t work. Is there any other way to replace it?

No @tzg19880816,

I already told you, that if select the row then the action option with appear. Possible, but it’s tricky.

fine,thank you for your help! :heartbeat: