Can Not Delete More Than 10 Items together in a doctpye

I have made a custom app in frappe, now the problem is, when I am trying to delete more than 10 entries together, it is refreshing but not deleting anything. I have checked the network tab, if I want to delete 100 records , there is an api call to
“localhost:8000/api/method/frappe.desk.reportview.delete_items” with the payload of the 100 items id. and the api response is 200. But it is not deleting a single record.

It should get deleted but in a queue. Usually if record length is > 20 then it will create a queue and will be deleted. You can check RQ Job List or Background Jobs for more info. Also, Please check error log doctype if there’s an error.

I don’t have anything regarding deletion in the Background Job list or RQ job list