Cannot access after Easy Install Script installation

Please tell me, I use the simple installation mode, python3 -d,
The log shows that the installation is successful,
2024-07-06 09:11:15,077 - INFO - Running Development Setup
2024-07-06 09:13:30,208 - INFO - Development Setup completed
I cannot access ip:8000 or ip:8080 in the browser.
I reinstalled it many times, but the effect is the same. The firewall is not turned on, and the port mapping of docker is normal. In the frappe-frappe-1 container, I cannot access it using the cutl command. I asked ai, and it said that this or that is not configured. I always feel that it is wrong.
curl http://localhost:8000
Can anyone tell me what operations need to be done after the development environment is quickly installed? Is there an operation manual for reference? Thank you very much. I have just come into contact with the erpnext software. I used translation software to translate it. Please tell me if there is anything wrong with the description.