Cannot enter Customer on Sales Order or Supplier on Purchase Order since ERPNext update to v14.4.0

Updated from
ERPNext: v14.2.3, Frappe Framework: v14.10.0
ERPNext: v14.4.0, Frappe Framework: v14.10.0.

Now I cannot enter Customer on Sales Order or Supplier on Purchase Order.
Also Customer Name under Customer Details on Item form.

Workaround: Filter the Sales Order list by the customer you want on the new sales order and then click Add Sales Order, the customer is auto-filled.

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In v14.2.3 the Customer select list looked like

In v14.4.0 it looks like this

and I cannot select a customer.

The response from api/method/frappe.client.validate_link is
message Object { name: null }

Looks like this is only an issue if Supplier Naming By in Buying Settings is set to Naming Series.

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not working for me also…

Or go to specific customer, and create SO/SI from there, as a work around.

Looks like resolved. Update your instance.