Cannot order Time Field in Query Report

I opened this Issue:
2 weeks ago.

I cannot understand why nobody is not answering to me. Seems very strange that such an important function doesn’t work. So I wrote here to understand if is there an easy workaround for it.

From my point of view, the only workaround is to create a Script Report, but I think that a function like this should work also with Report Builder or Query Report. Another workaround is to use the ORDER BY clause in the SQL but if you click on the Column Label it orders in the wrong way.

Thanks for any reply.

@mascor this is a voluntary forum :sweat_smile:

Please feel free to buy a support contract if you need immediate help.

Add TIME_FORMAT(, “%H:%i:%s”) function in your sql query, then it will format the time, also it will help to sort on report view.


 select name,creation,TIME_FORMAT(creation, "%H:%i:%s") as time from tabUser order by time limit 100;

I already have a support contract. I opened this post because I thought that could be useful for the community and I wrote that because I was amazed because such a function had not attracted the attention of other users or developers.