Dear Team,
We have to change the current amount to zero for a particular item
but, Cannot save a stock reconcilliation due to current balance qty as zero and so that we are unable to change the rate.
Please help on this as soon as possible
Its a priority
Thanks in advance.
Attached please find the image for more clarity.
Dear Team,
Waiting for the response ??
It seems Bin have wrong data.
I would try
*Repost and recreate bin detail for an item*
bench --site site1.local execute erpnext.stock.stock_balance.repost_stock --args "{'ITEM_NAME', 'WAREHOUSE_NAME'}"
If that corrects the negative values then
*Repost all items and warehouses*
bench --site site1.local execute erpnext.stock.stock_balance.repost
PS: Take backup first.