Can't find gst fields in erpnext

yes, but you can set something up to auto deploy on restart or when it somehow goes down

this happened and if i try to open the website on my browser it says 404 not found

Did you set your hosts file? Are you sure it was set? Sometimes it doesn’t if you don’t run your editor as admin and it tries to save to a new file

Yes i did it correctly

Also if I try it again now it says site already exists, how can I remove the site?

bench drop-site sitename. If that doesn’t work use the --force option

The problem is still there though, error 404 page not found still comes up and when I run the last bit the error comes up that I showed in the image

This didnt work either btw

Try cd’ing into the frappe bench folder. The command works for me

Tried that already, didn’t work

Try just typing bench. It should list the commands. Does drop-site appear there like it did for me

wait i dont have any frappe bench folder I thought you meant frappe docker

i followed the linnk you sent at first and did nothing else, there was no frappe bench made in that

Oh okay makes sense
This is how you made the site, right?

docker compose --project-name erpnext-one exec backend \
  bench new-site --no-mariadb-socket --mariadb-root-password changeit --install-app erpnext --admin-password changeit

Do the same with the command I sent you. But replace the line with bench. I got a bit confused when I said the Frappe bench thing. I assumed you were doing it like I did

docker compose --project-name erpnext-one exec backend \
  bench drop-site sitename --force

ok so I could drop the site with this but the original issue of my not being able to access the site I created still exists

This is running locally in WSL2 right? Can I see the entry you made in your hosts file?

its running in wsl 2 locally yes

So any ideas as to what’s wrong here?

Just got a little busy. I’ll try and respond by monday