Can't find Inter Company Invoices options

Hello, I am very new in ERPNext. I have installed ERPNext few days ago which is showing below version. I was try to configure inter Company Invoices but cannot see the check box “Is Internal Customer” in customer form same way “Allowed To Transact With” option is not available in Supplier form.

ERPNext: v10.1.45 (master)
Frappe Framework: v10.1.37 (master)

Business requirement
We are a serviced based company and have only one supplier. Our accounts team would like to create purchase invoice directly from sales invoice to make the process shorter. It seems Inter Company Invoices function can be served the purpose.

It would be appreciated if someone can help me to activate inter company invoice function or any alternative method to create purchase invoice from sales invoice.

Best Regards,

Intercompany invoice feature has been added but it is not available in the stable/master branch. It is a part of the next major update (V11).

Currently, a branch for the same has been created and is undergoing testing and it will be some time before it is announced that the same will be available for production use.

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Thanks a lot. We will wait until adding in stable master.