Can't upload attachment in webform


I hope you are doing well.
I face an issue when I upload attachment in a webform (in job applicant webform)

I made Inspect for browser and the result was as is shown in the attached photo

attach.js:106 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'file_url' of null
at s.on_upload_complete (attach.js:106)
at VueComponent.on_success (attach.js:61)
at XMLHttpRequest.r.onreadystatechange (FileUploader.vue?rollup-plugin-vue=script.js:363)

exactly here


my webform is here, you can try it by yourself

Note: it had been working successfully before in v11
thank you in advance

Installed Apps
ERPNext: v12.1.6 (version-12)

Frappe Framework: v12.0.16 (version-12)

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Same issue with me

any progress here?

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Please if you solved the issue, share the solution with me.

Eventually, I found the solution
there is check field in system setting

Allow Guests to Upload Files
When enabled this will allow guests to upload files to your application, You can enable this if you wish to collect files from user without having them to log in, for example in job applications web form.


Hi ,

Still facing a similar error even though Guest Upload has been allowed! Pls see console trace below:

FileUploader.vue?rollup-plugin-vue=script.js:385 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'cleanup' of undefined at XMLHttpRequest.r.onreadystatechange (FileUploader.vue?rollup-plugin-vue=script.js:385)

Any ideas? Is this a bug?

Kind regards,

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Found any solution for this?

System Settings → Allow Guests to Upload Files.

one follow up question on this

by using the above option , is there a possibility that supplier can upload documents in supplier portal? by enabling the system settings → allow guests to upload files

infact this is very good option