Cash Flow Mapping working?

I can not find anything in V15 relating to this feature of cash flow mapping:

Does this exist or was this removed for some reason?

Hi @john-50,

Cashflow mapper has been deprecated in ERPNext v15 and will no longer be available.

Thank You!

Hm, why is that? It looks like something useful, so I guess the problem itself is not deprecated (has not gone away, or has it?).

The function reminds me of how financial statements towards (“against”) authorities are build. Or of a matrix like in an ASIC (or an old, wired non-volatile memory), where you weigh and mix one set of parameters onto (“against”) another. Or of a coordinate transformation matrix.

Maybe this rip-out was done in order to redirect the engineering effort to a more general functionality which could also help solve the problem the Cashflow mapper solved or tried to solve?

Or what’s the background of this decision?

@NCP is there a suggested work around? I’m US based and this was one of the big things that I realized is off as I was testing. Should I just look at writing a custom report from scratch to handle my cash flow report?

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