Change Amount and Write Off Account in POS Profile

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If someone can guide me…

I don’t understand what is meant by the Account for Change Amount and Write Off Account fields in the POS Profile document in erpnext

Must Read 2.4 and 2.5 point with this tutorial, you may be better to understand for this.

Must consult your accountant before creating GL…!


As I know, the “Account for Change Amount” field in the POS Profile document refers to the account that will be used to record any difference between the amount paid by the customer and the actual total amount of the sale.

The “Write Off Account” field, on the other hand, indicates the account that will be used to record any losses that occur due to damaged or expired products, theft, or other reasons. This account is used to write off the value of the lost or damaged items from the inventory.

I hope this helps you.

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