Change label of Doctype or rename doctype?

Community on ERPNext is increasing day by day and new domains are started using ERPNext.

Each domain has unique name for its customer and supplier.

  1. If Doctor Start using ERP then its Customer is Patient
  2. If Manufacturing Company started using ERP then its Customer will be Distributor.
  3. For school, there Customer is there Student(but they can not put Student in ERP as Customer)

If we can set/change label of doctype then it will be very easy for each domain to use ERPNext with domain specific name. Its same as we change label of field using customize for and we don’t need to change any core code.

Alternative/Quick Fix.
ERPNext Introduced Translation from UI side.
I have added entry to Translate Customer to Chemist
Customer Form:
You can see Customer is translated to Chemist.

Sales Order Form:
You can see Customer is Translated to Chemist.
New Customer is translated to New Chemist.

Please share your thoughts on this.



@kolate_sambhaji for new domains, ideally it should be a separate DocType (in most cases!)

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if we create new doctype then we need to do customization in all sales/purchase cycle.
If we need to add address/contact for new doctype then its not configurable and need some special implementation.

By adding/changing doctype label we can easily configure this.
Also even if we create new doctype for Patient/Student then we need to do all accounting part.

The party model was implemented to fix this.

We need to open up the Party model so we can add new party types easily. @JayRam has been after us to do this :slight_smile:

@rmehta Great, I will check and implement this for other domain.