Change of Custom Field Label

If I change a default doc field Label (not the database table column name) in Address Doctype from “City/Town” to “Village” and “County” to "Mandal, I would like to know if there is any issue while upgrading my ERPNext instance to a later version??

If it is a problem, what is the workaround?

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Not if you change it via Customize Form

Hmm interesting.
So i create a fpo_app, do the label customization changes in the core, and click “erpnext customization”, select my fpo_app. Custom changes of core are in my app now. Now install erpnext and fpo_app.

  1. I am up and running all fine.
  2. Now i bench update erpnext to a new version [ i thought this will override the label]
  3. Now i do bench migrate of my fpo_app, if step-2 overrides the label with core label ? this will override it back with my custom label ?