Change sold product/ item

I’m using ERPNEXT for an e-commerce in Argentina. We have many customers who wants to change product color (diferent items) or even the product itself.

In order to do that, if it’s already billed and delivered, I have to make a return and then a new delivery note (with no related invoice or sales order).

For example I sold 2 black shelves and a keyholder. The customer wanted to change the shelves color (its the same price) I’d like to be able to de just “change the products”. Is there any way or alternative?

I couldn’t find any related issue and we lose a lot of time with this.

I’ll appreciate your help.

Necesitamos poder hacer un cambio de producto sin tantos problemas. Cuando validamos una factura ya no podemos editarlas porque se integran al sistema fiscal de Argentina.

Si vendemos 2 estantes negros y queremos cambiarlos por blanco es un problema grande. Tenemos que anular la nota de entrega o hacer una devolución y luego emitir una nota de entrega que no está relacionada a la venta. Sería ideal contar con una opción de “cambio” sin tanto problema y en todo caso que se pueda facturar la diferencia o hacer una nota de crédito por la diferencia.

Saludos y gracias

You can cancel the DN, Payment and then Sales Invoice. After that Amend the Sales Invoice with the right product and Submit it. This way Sales Invoice will have original number with -1 in the series. Do same for DN and make payment of original date.

Thanks @Muzzy but in order to legally make invoices in Argentina we can’t cancel invoices.
Either way it’s complicated to do all that to change a product color.
I was thinking it would be very practical to have a document that allows to change products and make an invoice if there is a difference in the prices or the total amount.