Changes in files .js or .py are not reflecting

I recently started to work on EPRNext applications, I know how to override the default functionality. The issue for me is that the changed I made not reflect until I run command:

  1. bench restart
  2. bench --site clear-cache

It’s irritating me too much because daily I need to work on many customizations as the application is under development.

I tried to stop production environment but it affected badly. So how can I configure auto reflecting updates in .js or .py files.

Immediate response is required. Thanks in advance If anyone can help!


double check if you enable the development mode, if not then enable it using:

bench set-config developer_mode 1

Yes, already set developer_mode 1

Please apply it.

bench --site migrate
bench build --force

Is this will work for both .js and .py files? and it won’t require restart or cache-clear every time?

I tried still not working mainly cache is the cause, there should an easy way to get rid off this nonsense during develpment…