Changing the Password

Please guide How to change those passwords:

Frappe password:
MariaDB root password:
Administrator password:

To change ‘Administrator’ password
For version-4

  1. go to respective Sites and enter command
    frappe --set_admin_password new password

For version- 5,6

  1. go to frappe-bench and enter command
    bench set-admin-password new password

Then you can login and change the passwords for the other users.

For changing ‘MariaDB root password’
1.go to mysql ,for that enter command - mysql -u root -p
enter your old password(which is bydefault created at the time installation)
then enter command- update user set password=PASSWORD(“Newpassword”)where user=‘root’;


To change mariaDB root password - Google

Use bench set-admin-password to change Administrator password

Note - Never share your passwords publicly

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you can login into ERPNext and change admin password.

Frappe Password is linux user password, you can google How to change linx password?
MariaDB is same as MySql, search How to change MariaDB passsword?

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I just downloaded the ERPNext VM. I like to now connect to the MySQL within and explore it. What is the root password and/or any other passwords that come with the VM? Thanks!

Try this
Username: root
Password : frappe

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And if the above credentials do not work, on startup the VM terminal console lists the default userid and password to ssh into the VM console…

To login to MySql as root, you may want to simply reset the password to what you choose - I find that is best since I have never found out what the original password is…