Chart of accounts Error

What happened to Chart of Accounts ?

I don’t know if this was dropped or is it a malfunction but when I click on the Chart of Accounts as shown in the screenshot, it loads up this link:

As per my understanding, this page should be loaded.

Is this a bug ?

I am using erpnext v14.12.1, frappe 14.22.1.

@anupd is this happening only for chart of accounts ? can you screenshot the homepage ?

Currently I faced issue with Chart of accounts only. I checked with multiple browsers - Same issue.

Here’s the private home.

Here is the public home:

@anupd open workspace → home → check if there’s anything inusual with chart of account . try to recreate it , also check in module accounts if chart of accounts has the same issue .

Chart of accounts is linked to Doctype Account.

Is this the way it should be ?