Checkin and Auto-attendance (absent/present records)

Hi, I have an issue, maybe you could help me.

I have shifts assign to employee that when they checkin (and out), auto-attendance mark present/absent automatically.

My question is if there is a method for employee that does not checkin get marked “absent”.

For example: now for 3 employee

  • John > checkin/out
  • Steve > checkin/out
  • Lisa > no checkin at all

I get this in attendance:

  • John > Present
  • Steve > Present
    (no records for Lisa)

I would like to get an “absent” record for lisa, an every employee that doesnot checkin.

Thanks in advance!

You can create a scheduled Python script that automatically creates an “Absent” record at the end of the day for any employee who has not been given a Check-In/Check-Out.

Steps: Go to Server script doctype → Create a new server script → Select Script Type as Scheduler Event → select Event Frequency then add your code/script.

Thanks @Vipul_Kumar , I will try it.