Child table download/upload format issue

Hi everyone,

I’m facing an issue with the upload and download functionality in a child table. By default, it only supports CSV format for both uploading and downloading. However, due to a mismatch in the datetime format, I’m encountering an invalid error after uploading.

Even if I upload same downloaded file without changing anything also I am getting this “invalid” issue.

Is there a way to change the format to Excel to resolve this issue?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

When you download the CSV, ensure the date columns are in “text” and not “date”. Then could you try uploading it again?

@Void_Moon Thanks for the reply.
Can you assist me with how to do that? I tried changing the field type using customization, but it doesn’t allow me to change the field type. And I want it to change only while uploading not while manual update. Is that possible?

I actually meant the column type in the Excel and not the field type in Frappe/ERPNext.

Tried, still did not worked.

I see the time data is missing the seconds.

You’ve converted the date field as text, good. Now replace the data in that column to their original values. (As they are now converted into their numeric equivalents of the date value).

It has to be in the format of “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” else it won’t be recognized. Atleast, that’s my reasoning for the date not being fetched. Unsure if the various excel date formats will be properly read by the framework.