Child table filteration when frappe call

Timesheet is a doctype and it has a child table named time_logs. In the child table, there is a datetime field named from_time. I want to filter records based on a particular datetime. Can I apply this filter directly using the method frappe.client.get_list?.here Timesheet is a parent doc and Timesheet Detail is the child table .Can i apply filter here and access the child table when calling the Timesheet.i want to access from_time and to_time and check the filter condition directy when calling the Timesheet

Below code is not working Please give me the currect syntax .{

method: “frappe.client.get_list”,
args: {
doctype: “Timesheet”,
filters: [
[“Timesheet Detail”, “parent”, “=”, “Timesheet”],
[“Timesheet Detail”, “from_time”, “>=”, updated_datetime],
[“Timesheet Detail”, “to_time”, “<=”, current_now_datetime],
[“employee”, “=”, employee_ID]

    var employee_list_in_timesheet = responsiosd.message;//THIS CODE IS NOT WORKING

Thank you