Hi Guys
i have created on child table there is two fields one name as data type and other one is view as button type so when i do refresh the child table button is disappearing
and whenever i clicked on child table suddenly button appears
does any one know what is the issue here
thanks and regards
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I was wondering the same as I’m facing the same issue. Any idea on how to fix button and make it visible with no need of clicking on the row?
@Bradley @eliyaskhan18 have you found solution or any work around
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U can show button by using jquery
refresh(frm) {
frm.fields_dict["field_name"].$wrapper.find('.grid-body .rows').find(".grid-row").each(function (i, item) {
$(item).find('[data-fieldname="field_name"]').empty().append("<button class='btn btn-xs btn-success'>Finish</button>").click(function () {
let cdn = $(item).attr('data-name')
let cdt = frm.fields_dict["field_name"].grid.doctype
frm.script_manager.trigger('field_name', cdt, cdn)
Hello @abrarpv97 did you found any solution?
Got it, thanks a lot @abrarpv97
@niyaz_razak your script is add button only in one row , when we have add the new row this is not working what to to . please give me the suggection.
your script is add button only in one row , when we have add the new row this is not working what to to . please give me the suggection.