I have one doctype called “Authority Approval” and another one called “Weekly Progress Report”. In both, I have one same link field "Project"and its field names are same in both doctype “project” . Also, I have childtables in both doctype, In “Authority Approval” the childtable name is “Authority Approval Table” and its fieldname is “authority_table”. In “Weekly Progress Report”, the childtable name is “WPR Authority Table” and its fieldname is “wpr_authority_table”. In both childtables, i have same fieldnames authority, authority_type, status,& remarks. Now, i need a function like, If i select any Project in “project” field of “Weekly Progress Report”, then the child table details should fetch from “Authority Approval” childtable “Authority Approval Table” to “Weekly Progress Report” childtable “WPR Authority Table”.(Note: it fetch if there is any autority approval document created for that particular project).
Now, Problem is It fetching only the even columns and also it fetch the even columns for admin user but for other user like project user it show " Insufficient permission for Authority Approval Table".I checked the permission on authority Authority Approval doctype, the permissions are already given for project user.
I attached my code below. Suggest me a solution.
There are four field ‘authority’, ‘authority_type’, ‘status’, ‘remarks’. But it fetching only ‘authority_type’,‘remarks’.
frappe.ui.form.on('Weekly Progress Report', {
project: function(frm) {
// Clear existing rows in the WPR Authority Table
// Get the selected project
const selected_project = frm.doc.project;
if (selected_project) {
// Fetch the authority approval data for the selected project
frappe.db.get_list('Authority Approval', {
filters: { project: selected_project },
fields: ['name']
}).then((authority_approvals) => {
if (authority_approvals.length > 0) {
// Create an array of promises for fetching authority table data
const fetchPromises = authority_approvals.map((approval) => {
return frappe.db.get_list('Authority Approval Table', {
filters: { parent: approval.name },
fields: ['authority', 'authority_type', 'status', 'remarks']
}).then((authority_table_rows) => {
authority_table_rows.forEach((row) => {
// Append rows to the WPR Authority Table
const new_row = frm.add_child('wpr_authority_table');
new_row.authority = row.authority;
new_row.authority_type = row.authority_type;
new_row.status = row.status;
new_row.remarks = row.remarks;
// Wait for all promises to resolve
return Promise.all(fetchPromises).then(() => {
}).catch((err) => {
console.error('Error fetching authority approvals:', err);
if (err.response && err.response.message) {