Client Script Not working while data import

I have deployed a client script to calculate some values and update the values in custom fields while saving sales invoice. Everything works well when I manually generate a new sales invoice.

However, when I generate new sales invoice via data import tool. The script does not work.

frappe.ui.form.on(‘Sales Invoice’, {
validate: function(frm) {
$.each(frm.doc.items || , function(i, item) {

var customer_gst = frm.doc.billing_address_gstin;
//var company_gst = frappe.sys_defaults.company_gstin;
        var tax_template_name = item.item_tax_template;
        var matches = tax_template_name.match(/\d+/g);
        var tax_rate = matches ? parseFloat(matches[0]) : 0;
        var tax_amount = (item.net_amount * tax_rate) / 100;
         var total_amt = (item.net_amount + tax_amount);
         var igst = 0;
    var sgst = 0;
    var cgst = 0;
        if (customer_gst && customer_gst.substring(0, 2) !== '03') {
            igst = tax_amount;
        } else {
            sgst = tax_amount / 2;
            cgst = tax_amount / 2;
        frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'tax_amount', tax_amount);
        frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'tax_rate', tax_rate);
         frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'igst_amount', igst);
    frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'sgst_amount', sgst);
    frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'cgst_amount', cgst);
      frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'total_amt', total_amt);  


can anyone please help me to have the script run even when I import data via data import tool.


Hi @dollar_singh,

I don’t think, import time client script works but again try and check it.

frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice', {
    onload: function(frm) {
    validate: function(frm) {

function updateFields(frm) {
    $.each(frm.doc.items || [], function(i, item) {
        var customer_gst = frm.doc.billing_address_gstin;
        var tax_template_name = item.item_tax_template;
        var matches = tax_template_name.match(/\d+/g);
        var tax_rate = matches ? parseFloat(matches[0]) : 0;
        var tax_amount = (item.net_amount * tax_rate) / 100;
        var total_amt = item.net_amount + tax_amount;
        var igst = 0;
        var sgst = 0;
        var cgst = 0;

        if (customer_gst && customer_gst.substring(0, 2) !== '03') {
            igst = tax_amount;
        } else {
            sgst = tax_amount / 2;
            cgst = tax_amount / 2;

        frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'tax_amount', tax_amount);
        frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'tax_rate', tax_rate);
        frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'igst_amount', igst);
        frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'sgst_amount', sgst);
        frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'cgst_amount', cgst);
        frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype,, 'total_amt', total_amt);

Otherwise, you can use the server-side script. and use before_save/before_validate/after_save doctype event.

for item in doc.items:
    customer_gst = doc.billing_address_gstin
    tax_template_name = item.item_tax_template
    matches = re.findall(r'\d+', tax_template_name)
    tax_rate = float(matches[0]) if matches else 0
    tax_amount = (item.net_amount * tax_rate) / 100
    total_amt = item.net_amount + tax_amount
    igst = 0
    sgst = 0
    cgst = 0

    if customer_gst and customer_gst[:2] != '03':
        igst = tax_amount
        sgst = tax_amount / 2
        cgst = tax_amount / 2

    item.tax_amount = tax_amount
    item.tax_rate = tax_rate
    item.igst_amount = igst
    item.sgst_amount = sgst
    item.cgst_amount = cgst
    item.total_amt = total_amt

Please check and verify the server script, field name, and other attributes.

I hope this helps.
Thank You!

Can confirm. You have to use server-side script for Data Imports.

I have a custom script deleted (created on item doctype) but it still works on item form. And I tried on other browser, it still works, and i reset chrome but it still works. I have a self hosted on virtual box. In fa t the other vms also give same script but it is not in script list.