Client side script not working

Hey guys, I am trying to call one API, after inserting a lead, but API calling not working, please let me know, whats wrong in my code.

frappe.ui.form.on(‘Lead’, {
after_insert: function(frm) {
// Define the API endpoint URL
var API_ENDPOINT = “”;

    // Prepare the data to be sent to the API endpoint

    // Make a GET request to the API endpoint{
        method: "crm.crm.doctype.lead.lead.trigger_api_call",
        args: {
            api_endpoint: API_ENDPOINT
        callback: function(response) {
            if (response.message) {
                frappe.msgprint("Lead data sent successfully to the API");
            } else {
                frappe.msgprint("Failed to send lead data to the API");


Hi @madhanumk,

Client script (Form Scripts) hasn’t after_insert event.

Please check the Form Events.

Thank You!

Use “Webhook” Doctype.

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