I’ve set up a print format as shown in screenshot 1 below.
The demand notice number on the sales invoice is supposed to be in red and indeed it appears so in the print preview as well as the pdf view (see screenshots 2 & 3)
However, when I get it in email, the formatting is lost and the demand notice number does not appear in red. (see screenshot 4)
@Chude_Osiegbu this is a problem I have been having in ALL forms when printing and emailing for a while now!
I have not been able to resolve this still, so very interested if you have any ideas. I have tried a number of things including tags like !important to no avail. In the end I just assumed the CSS server side is over-riding my settings and there’s not much I can do being on the cloud - would be very happy to be proven wrong and fix this though
Hi @KanchanChauhan, it works for me too on the client side but when the same pdf is sent as an attachment in email by ERPNext to a contact, the colour is lost.