Hi all,
My concern is, is it possible to join/combine multiple set of jinja API in one print format ?
For example :
{% set details = frappe.get_all('Sales Invoice',
'customer':['=',row.get_formatted('customer', doc)],
'posting_date':['between', [doc.from_date,doc.to_date]],
'status':['Not In', ('Draft','Cancelled')]},
fields=['*'], order_by='posting_date, name asc') %}
and another one :
{% set paymententries = frappe.get_all('Payment Entry',
'party':['=',row.get_formatted('customer', doc)],
'posting_date':['>', doc.to_date],
'status':['=', ('Submitted')]},
fields=['*'], order_by='posting_date, name asc') %}
and print the output from both, in 1 list ? I am attempting to generate/produce a list of Statement of Account using custom print format. What is the other best approach to achieve this ? Any feedback and guides is much appreciated